AB 1534 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of Parks & Recreation Commission commissioners.
AB 1545 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of an Arts & Culture Commission commissioner.
AB 1536 Discussion/possible direction regarding implementation of the Soldier Wash Interim Improvements Study recommendations by Shephard-Wesnitzer, Inc.
AB 1478 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of award of a professional services contract for the Stanley Steamer Storm Drain Crossing Project to JE Fuller/Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc. in the amount of $76,202.40 and approval of a resolution for obtaining the necessary easements.
AB 1527 Discussion/possible action on intergovernmental relations with the Arizona Legislature.
AB 1534 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of Parks & Recreation Commission commissioners.
AB 1545 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of an Arts & Culture Commission commissioner.
AB 1536 Discussion/possible direction regarding implementation of the Soldier Wash Interim Improvements Study recommendations by Shephard-Wesnitzer, Inc.
AB 1478 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of award of a professional services contract for the Stanley Steamer Storm Drain Crossing Project to JE Fuller/Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc. in the amount of $76,202.40 and approval of a resolution for obtaining the necessary easements.
AB 1527 Discussion/possible action on intergovernmental relations with the Arizona Legislature.