AB 1650 Presentation/discussion/possible action from the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Lodging Council and possible subsequent approval to publish on the City’s website a notice of the City’s intention to consider at its regular meeting on October 8, 2013 a possible increase to the City bed tax from 3% to 3.5%.
AB 1650 Presentation/discussion/possible action from the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Lodging Council and possible subsequent approval to publish on the City’s website a notice of the City’s intention to consider at its regular meeting on October 8, 2013 a possible increase to the City bed tax from 3% to 3.5%.
AB 1650 Presentation/discussion/possible action from the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Lodging Council and possible subsequent approval to publish on the City’s website a notice of the City’s intention to consider at its regular meeting on October 8, 2013 a possible increase to the City bed tax from 3% to 3.5%.
AB 1650 Presentation/discussion/possible action from the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Lodging Council and possible subsequent approval to publish on the City’s website a notice of the City’s intention to consider at its regular meeting on October 8, 2013 a possible increase to the City bed tax from 3% to 3.5%.