AB 1865 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for a Minor Community Plan Amendment to Natural Open Space and Zone Change to L (Lodging) and OS (Open Space) to construct a new 121 room hotel (Marriott Courtyard) and associated site improvements at 4105 W. State Route 89A. The property is currently zoned C-1 (General Commercial) and RS-18a (Single Family Residential). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W. State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-11-430B. Applicant: Sedona Hospitality Group, LLC; Case Number: PZ14-00005 (Minor CPA, ZC).
AB 1844 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) issues, the findings of the OHV Work Group, and the list of options for addressing the primary concerns related to OHV use in the City.
b. AB 1844 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) issues, the findings of the OHV Work Group, and the list of options for addressing the primary concerns related to OHV use in the City. 5. Adjournment
AB 1865 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for a Minor Community Plan Amendment to Natural Open Space and Zone Change to L (Lodging) and OS (Open Space) to construct a new 121 room hotel (Marriott Courtyard) and associated site improvements at 4105 W. State Route 89A. The property is currently zoned C-1 (General Commercial) and RS-18a (Single Family Residential). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W. State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-11-430B. Applicant: Sedona Hospitality Group, LLC; Case Number: PZ14-00005 (Minor CPA, ZC).
AB 1844 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) issues, the findings of the OHV Work Group, and the list of options for addressing the primary concerns related to OHV use in the City.
b. AB 1844 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) issues, the findings of the OHV Work Group, and the list of options for addressing the primary concerns related to OHV use in the City. 5. Adjournment