1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call 2. City’s Vision Statement
Consent Items A - E a. Minutes - October 28, 2014 City Council Pre-Meeting. b. Minutes - October 28, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - October 29, 2014 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1872 Approval of an Interim Permit, a Person Transfer Beer and Wine Liquor License application, and a new Series 10 Liquor License application for Vino di Sedona located at 2575 West State Route 89A in West Sedona. e. AB 1874 Approval of an art donation to be located at Jordan Historical Park.
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards a. Recognition of the men and women who are currently serving or have served in the Armed Forces from the Sedona Police Department.
AB 1871 Discussion/possible action regarding the award of a contract for construction of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant (WWRP) A+ Upgrades Project to Currier Construction, Inc. in the amount of $4,271,789, and award of a Professional Services Contract for Construction Administration and Inspection (CA & I) Services to Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $267,013.
AB 1765 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City's interest in the acquisition of creek-side property for use as a public park. Staff will discuss the pros and cons of several potential sites including sites in the far northern portion of Uptown, the Schnebly Hill Road area, and at the Chavez Crossing campground, and seek direction regarding next steps and project scope should the City Council wish to pursue the development of a creek park or other community access to the creek.
AB 1863 Discussion regarding an amendment of Article 9 of the Land Development Code, section 903.07 Walls and Fences, specifically to add language describing allowed and prohibited materials and construction standards for fences and walls. This item was originally scheduled for a public hearing on October 14, 2014 and was deferred to November 12, 2014. Since that time, staff has chosen to postpone this item indefinitely and no public hearing will be held nor will any action be taken at this time.
d. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments. e. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items.
1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call 2. City’s Vision Statement
Consent Items A - E a. Minutes - October 28, 2014 City Council Pre-Meeting. b. Minutes - October 28, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - October 29, 2014 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1872 Approval of an Interim Permit, a Person Transfer Beer and Wine Liquor License application, and a new Series 10 Liquor License application for Vino di Sedona located at 2575 West State Route 89A in West Sedona. e. AB 1874 Approval of an art donation to be located at Jordan Historical Park.
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards a. Recognition of the men and women who are currently serving or have served in the Armed Forces from the Sedona Police Department.
AB 1871 Discussion/possible action regarding the award of a contract for construction of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant (WWRP) A+ Upgrades Project to Currier Construction, Inc. in the amount of $4,271,789, and award of a Professional Services Contract for Construction Administration and Inspection (CA & I) Services to Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $267,013.
AB 1765 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City's interest in the acquisition of creek-side property for use as a public park. Staff will discuss the pros and cons of several potential sites including sites in the far northern portion of Uptown, the Schnebly Hill Road area, and at the Chavez Crossing campground, and seek direction regarding next steps and project scope should the City Council wish to pursue the development of a creek park or other community access to the creek.
AB 1863 Discussion regarding an amendment of Article 9 of the Land Development Code, section 903.07 Walls and Fences, specifically to add language describing allowed and prohibited materials and construction standards for fences and walls. This item was originally scheduled for a public hearing on October 14, 2014 and was deferred to November 12, 2014. Since that time, staff has chosen to postpone this item indefinitely and no public hearing will be held nor will any action be taken at this time.
d. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments. e. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items.