Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - January 13, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - January 13, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - January 14, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1899 Approval of a resolution of the Mayor and City Council authorizing the submission of an application to the Arizona Department of Transportation for Planning Assistance for Rural Areas (PARA) Program Federal Funds for a comprehensive citywide multi-modal traffic/circulation study. e. AB 1904 Approval of a Series 12 Liquor License for Lisa Dahl's Mariposa Restaurant to be located at 700 West SR 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #12033372).
AB 1906 Approval of an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and the City of Cottonwood for the administration and operation of the Verde Lynx commuter transit system, extending the existing contractual agreement for four years through June 30, 2018.
4. Appointments a. AB 1900 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of members to the Personnel Board. b. AB 1901 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of a Planning and Zoning Commission commissioner.
5. Citizen Engagement Program Update – Discussion/Report - 5 minutes. 6. Summary of Current Events
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards Presentation of Recognition Awards to Employees of the Sedona Police Department (SPD) for SPD Police Officer of the Year, SPD Civilian of the Year, and SPD Volunteer of the Year and the Sedona Fire District (SFD) for SFD Firefighter of the Year and SFD Civilian of the Year by the Central Arizona Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons.
Regular Business AB 1909 Presentation/discussion regarding the Annual Audit finding and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of Sedona for Fiscal year 2013-2014.
AB 1907 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding uses for which a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application can be made, owner-occupied housing rehabilitation guidelines, and approval of 1) a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for CDBG funds and 2) a resolution setting forth a residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan for FY 2015.
AB 1908 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Professional Services Contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for design of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant Injection Well No. 1 and 2. Equipping Project, in the amount of $243,148.
AB 1895 Discussion/possible action on directing the City Manager to reach out to the Coconino County Board of Supervisors and the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors to arrange for joint meetings with the City Council to discuss issues of mutual concern.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - January 13, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - January 13, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - January 14, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1899 Approval of a resolution of the Mayor and City Council authorizing the submission of an application to the Arizona Department of Transportation for Planning Assistance for Rural Areas (PARA) Program Federal Funds for a comprehensive citywide multi-modal traffic/circulation study. e. AB 1904 Approval of a Series 12 Liquor License for Lisa Dahl's Mariposa Restaurant to be located at 700 West SR 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #12033372).
AB 1906 Approval of an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and the City of Cottonwood for the administration and operation of the Verde Lynx commuter transit system, extending the existing contractual agreement for four years through June 30, 2018.
4. Appointments a. AB 1900 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of members to the Personnel Board. b. AB 1901 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of a Planning and Zoning Commission commissioner.
5. Citizen Engagement Program Update – Discussion/Report - 5 minutes. 6. Summary of Current Events
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards Presentation of Recognition Awards to Employees of the Sedona Police Department (SPD) for SPD Police Officer of the Year, SPD Civilian of the Year, and SPD Volunteer of the Year and the Sedona Fire District (SFD) for SFD Firefighter of the Year and SFD Civilian of the Year by the Central Arizona Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons.
Regular Business AB 1909 Presentation/discussion regarding the Annual Audit finding and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of Sedona for Fiscal year 2013-2014.
AB 1907 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding uses for which a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application can be made, owner-occupied housing rehabilitation guidelines, and approval of 1) a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for CDBG funds and 2) a resolution setting forth a residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan for FY 2015.
AB 1908 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Professional Services Contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for design of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant Injection Well No. 1 and 2. Equipping Project, in the amount of $243,148.
AB 1895 Discussion/possible action on directing the City Manager to reach out to the Coconino County Board of Supervisors and the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors to arrange for joint meetings with the City Council to discuss issues of mutual concern.