Special Business AB 1903 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for Zone Change approval to allow for construction of a new commercial building (CVS Pharmacy) and associated site improvements at 20 Airport Road. The property is currently zoned C-2 (General Commercial) and RS-12 (Single Family Residential) and the applicant is proposing a zoning designation of PD (Planned Development). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Airport Road. The property is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 408-26-217A & B. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC; Agent: Armstrong Development Properties Inc., Case Number: PZ13-00016 (ZC, DEV).
Special Business AB 1903 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for Zone Change approval to allow for construction of a new commercial building (CVS Pharmacy) and associated site improvements at 20 Airport Road. The property is currently zoned C-2 (General Commercial) and RS-12 (Single Family Residential) and the applicant is proposing a zoning designation of PD (Planned Development). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Airport Road. The property is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 408-26-217A & B. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC; Agent: Armstrong Development Properties Inc., Case Number: PZ13-00016 (ZC, DEV).
Special Business AB 1903 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for Zone Change approval to allow for construction of a new commercial building (CVS Pharmacy) and associated site improvements at 20 Airport Road. The property is currently zoned C-2 (General Commercial) and RS-12 (Single Family Residential) and the applicant is proposing a zoning designation of PD (Planned Development). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Airport Road. The property is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 408-26-217A & B. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC; Agent: Armstrong Development Properties Inc., Case Number: PZ13-00016 (ZC, DEV).
Special Business AB 1903 Presentation/discussion regarding a request for Zone Change approval to allow for construction of a new commercial building (CVS Pharmacy) and associated site improvements at 20 Airport Road. The property is currently zoned C-2 (General Commercial) and RS-12 (Single Family Residential) and the applicant is proposing a zoning designation of PD (Planned Development). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Airport Road. The property is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 408-26-217A & B. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC; Agent: Armstrong Development Properties Inc., Case Number: PZ13-00016 (ZC, DEV).