Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - March 4, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - March 5, 2015 City Council Special Meeting #1. c. Minutes - March 5, 2015 City Council Special Meeting #2. d. Minutes - March 6, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. e. Minutes - March 10, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. f. Minutes - March 11, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. g. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2015. h. Approval of Proclamation, “Walking Free” April 11, 2015. j. AB 1927 Approval of a Series 10 Liquor License application for Murph's Deli LLC, dba Murph's Country Store at 249 N. State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (Liquor License #10033201). k. AB 1929 Approval of a resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant proposal to the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) related to highway safety issues.
AB 1924 Approval of revised Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Guidelines as part of the Community Development Block Grant program for FY2015.
4. Appointments – None. 5. Citizen Engagement Program Update – None. 6. Summary of Current Events
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards Presentation of a check for $3,000 to the City of Sedona from Supervisor Chip Davis on behalf of Yavapai County for the viewing platform at the Sedona Wetlands Preserve.
Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2015.
Regular Business AB 1921 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on the Verde Valley Gigabit Project Network Design & Roadmap, and the overall efforts of the Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization's (VVREO) Broadband Coalition to bring adequate bandwidth to the Verde Valley.
AB 1913 Presentation/discussion/possible direction regarding the activities and accomplishments of the City's Citizen Engagement Program and the citizen ideas and input obtained during the last three months.
AB 1930 Discussion/possible action on appointment of Justin Clifton as City Manager and approval of an employment contract.
D. AB 1916 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona. E. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - March 4, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - March 5, 2015 City Council Special Meeting #1. c. Minutes - March 5, 2015 City Council Special Meeting #2. d. Minutes - March 6, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. e. Minutes - March 10, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. f. Minutes - March 11, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. g. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2015. h. Approval of Proclamation, “Walking Free” April 11, 2015. j. AB 1927 Approval of a Series 10 Liquor License application for Murph's Deli LLC, dba Murph's Country Store at 249 N. State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (Liquor License #10033201). k. AB 1929 Approval of a resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant proposal to the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) related to highway safety issues.
AB 1924 Approval of revised Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Guidelines as part of the Community Development Block Grant program for FY2015.
4. Appointments – None. 5. Citizen Engagement Program Update – None. 6. Summary of Current Events
Proclamations, Recognitions & Awards Presentation of a check for $3,000 to the City of Sedona from Supervisor Chip Davis on behalf of Yavapai County for the viewing platform at the Sedona Wetlands Preserve.
Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2015.
Regular Business AB 1921 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on the Verde Valley Gigabit Project Network Design & Roadmap, and the overall efforts of the Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization's (VVREO) Broadband Coalition to bring adequate bandwidth to the Verde Valley.
AB 1913 Presentation/discussion/possible direction regarding the activities and accomplishments of the City's Citizen Engagement Program and the citizen ideas and input obtained during the last three months.
AB 1930 Discussion/possible action on appointment of Justin Clifton as City Manager and approval of an employment contract.
D. AB 1916 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona. E. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments.