AB 1953 Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for a Zone Change from RS-6 (Single Family Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial) to allow for construction of a private parking lot and future expansion for Over the Edge Bikes at 35 View Drive. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southwest corner of State Route 89A and View Drive. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-07-074. Applicant: Hal J. Dick; Case Number: PZ14-00002 (ZC).
AB 1955 Discussion/possible action on a request for funding in the amount of $2,084.22 for the Verde Front, a regional collaborative fostering proactive dialogue, coordination, and collective action on stewardship of natural and cultural resources
AB 1956 Presentation/discussion from Nicole Branton, District Ranger, from the USFS with an update on activities including but not limited to the Adopt-a-Trail Program and the status of the Soldiers Pass NEPA study.
AB 1953 Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for a Zone Change from RS-6 (Single Family Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial) to allow for construction of a private parking lot and future expansion for Over the Edge Bikes at 35 View Drive. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southwest corner of State Route 89A and View Drive. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-07-074. Applicant: Hal J. Dick; Case Number: PZ14-00002 (ZC).
AB 1955 Discussion/possible action on a request for funding in the amount of $2,084.22 for the Verde Front, a regional collaborative fostering proactive dialogue, coordination, and collective action on stewardship of natural and cultural resources
AB 1956 Presentation/discussion from Nicole Branton, District Ranger, from the USFS with an update on activities including but not limited to the Adopt-a-Trail Program and the status of the Soldiers Pass NEPA study.