3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - May 26, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - May 27, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1965 Approval of the renewal of undercover license plates for existing undercover vehicles.
AB 1959 Approval of a Land Acquisition Agreement with the owner of 705 Back O’Beyond Road through resolution for the Cathedral Rock Trail Head Improvements Project
AB 1952 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the approval of certain contract documents with the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau for destination marketing and tourism promotion services for FY2016, including a Marketing and Product Development Plan, Performance Measures document, and Tourism Promotion Budget
AB 1952 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the approval of certain contract documents with the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau for destination marketing and tourism promotion services for FY2016, including a Marketing and Product Development Plan, Performance Measures document, and Tourism Promotion Budget
AB 1953 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a proposal to allow for construction of a private parking lot and future expansion for Over the Edge Bikes at 35 View Drive. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southwest corner of State Route 89A and View Drive. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-07-074. Applicant: Hal J. Dick; Case Number: PZ14-00002 (ZC). Items for consideration are as follows: 1. A resolution approving a development agreement setting forth among other things, terms governing the future uses of the site; and 2. A proposed ordinance effecting a Zone Change from RS-6 (Single Family Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial).
c. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments. d. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 11. Adjournment
3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - May 26, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - May 27, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 1965 Approval of the renewal of undercover license plates for existing undercover vehicles.
AB 1959 Approval of a Land Acquisition Agreement with the owner of 705 Back O’Beyond Road through resolution for the Cathedral Rock Trail Head Improvements Project
AB 1952 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the approval of certain contract documents with the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau for destination marketing and tourism promotion services for FY2016, including a Marketing and Product Development Plan, Performance Measures document, and Tourism Promotion Budget
AB 1952 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the approval of certain contract documents with the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau for destination marketing and tourism promotion services for FY2016, including a Marketing and Product Development Plan, Performance Measures document, and Tourism Promotion Budget
AB 1953 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a proposal to allow for construction of a private parking lot and future expansion for Over the Edge Bikes at 35 View Drive. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southwest corner of State Route 89A and View Drive. The lot is further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 408-07-074. Applicant: Hal J. Dick; Case Number: PZ14-00002 (ZC). Items for consideration are as follows: 1. A resolution approving a development agreement setting forth among other things, terms governing the future uses of the site; and 2. A proposed ordinance effecting a Zone Change from RS-6 (Single Family Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial).
c. Reports/discussion on Council Assignments. d. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 11. Adjournment