AB 1983 Discussion/possible direction on the development and adoption of a Human Rights Ordinance for the City of Sedona, in order to promote diversity and economic growth and to prohibit discrimination based on certain characteristics.
If an Executive Session is necessary, it will be held in the Vultee Conference Room at 106 Roadrunner Drive. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, the Council may hold an Executive Session that is not open to the public for the following purposes: a. To consult with legal counsel for advice on matters listed on this agenda per A.R.S. § 38- 431.03(A)(3). b. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items.
4B. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items. 5. Adjournment
AB 1983 Discussion/possible direction on the development and adoption of a Human Rights Ordinance for the City of Sedona, in order to promote diversity and economic growth and to prohibit discrimination based on certain characteristics.
If an Executive Session is necessary, it will be held in the Vultee Conference Room at 106 Roadrunner Drive. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, the Council may hold an Executive Session that is not open to the public for the following purposes: a. To consult with legal counsel for advice on matters listed on this agenda per A.R.S. § 38- 431.03(A)(3). b. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items.
4B. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items. 5. Adjournment