Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - December 8, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - December 9, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. c. Minutes - December 28, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. Approval of Proclamation, 20th Anniversary of Sedona Flag. e. AB 2042 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Pumphouse Station Urban Eatery & Market located at 313 SR 179, Suite D, Sedona, AZ (License #12033391). f. AB 2045 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 11 Hotel/Motel Liquor License for Casa Inn Sedona located at 55 Hozoni Drive, Sedona, AZ (License #11033055).
AB 2044 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of a board member to the Board of Adjustment.
AB 2041 Discussion/possible direction to provide official City comments to the Forest Service (USFS) in response to their draft National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study which assesses potential management actions to manage motorized vehicular use on the Forest Service portion of Soldiers Pass Road.
AB 2046 Discussion/possible direction regarding the the conversion of 101 public parking spaces, located directly on Main Street (89A) in Uptown Sedona, from free to pay-to-park.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - December 8, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - December 9, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. c. Minutes - December 28, 2015 City Council Special Meeting. d. Approval of Proclamation, 20th Anniversary of Sedona Flag. e. AB 2042 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Pumphouse Station Urban Eatery & Market located at 313 SR 179, Suite D, Sedona, AZ (License #12033391). f. AB 2045 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 11 Hotel/Motel Liquor License for Casa Inn Sedona located at 55 Hozoni Drive, Sedona, AZ (License #11033055).
AB 2044 Discussion/possible action regarding the appointment of a board member to the Board of Adjustment.
AB 2041 Discussion/possible direction to provide official City comments to the Forest Service (USFS) in response to their draft National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study which assesses potential management actions to manage motorized vehicular use on the Forest Service portion of Soldiers Pass Road.
AB 2046 Discussion/possible direction regarding the the conversion of 101 public parking spaces, located directly on Main Street (89A) in Uptown Sedona, from free to pay-to-park.