1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call 2. City’s Vision/Moment of Art
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - March 3, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - March 8, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - March 9, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. d. Approval of Proclamation, Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, March 30, 2016. e. Approval of Proclamation, “A Purple Heart City”. f. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2016. g. Approval of Proclamation, SciTech STEM Week, April 2-9-2016. h. Approval of Proclamation, “Walking Free”, April 9, 2016. i. Approval of Proclamation, “Annual Start by Believing Day”. j. AB 2055 Approval of Resolutions approving the Intergovernmental Agreements between the City and the Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District No. 9 for: 1) Operation and Maintenance of the Sedona Community Swimming Pool and 2) Use of Facilities. l. AB 2074 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 10S Beer and Wine Store with Sampling Privileges Liquor License application for Scorpion on the Porch located at 293 N Hwy 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #10033217). m. AB 2076 Approval of award of a Job Order Contract to J. Banicki Construction, Inc. in the approximate amount of $199,858, for construction of the SR 89A Landscape Improvements Project. n. AB 2082 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for the Rotary Club of Sedona Charitable Fund, Inc.'s Great Sedona Chili Cook-Off scheduled for May 7, 2016 at Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village, 336 SR 179, Sedona, AZ as part of the Cinco de Mayo Celebration. p. AB 2024 Approval of a Resolution in support of the Arizona Department of Transportation's I-17 Black Canyon City to Cordes Junction Improvement Plan.
AB 2072 Approval of a Resolution authorizing posting of "No Parking" signs along both sides of Back O' Beyond Road in accordance with City Code Section 10.20.030 “Authority to erect signs restricting parking”.
AB 2083 Approval of a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and Yavapai County for project management of the Dry Creek Road Overlay Project.
AB 2086 Approval of additional funding for the Construction Manager At Risk contract for the Posse Grounds Pavilion in Barbara Antonsen Memorial Park Project with Loven Contracting, Inc., in the additional approximate amount of $227,200.85 for addition of Bid Alternatives 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15, subject to approval of a written contract by the City Attorney’s Office.
7. Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, March 30, 2016. b. Presentation of Proclamation, “A Purple Heart City”. c. Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2016. d. Presentation of Proclamation, “Walking Free”, April 9, 2016. e. Presentation of Proclamation, “Annual Start by Believing Day”.
Regular Business AB 2073 Presentation/discussion with Dr. Clint Ewell regarding a general countywide update on Yavapai College.
AB 2085 Discussion/possible direction concerning review and clarification of Council priorities.
AB 2075 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
8. Regular Business e. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 10. Adjournment
1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call 2. City’s Vision/Moment of Art
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - March 3, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - March 8, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - March 9, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. d. Approval of Proclamation, Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, March 30, 2016. e. Approval of Proclamation, “A Purple Heart City”. f. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2016. g. Approval of Proclamation, SciTech STEM Week, April 2-9-2016. h. Approval of Proclamation, “Walking Free”, April 9, 2016. i. Approval of Proclamation, “Annual Start by Believing Day”. j. AB 2055 Approval of Resolutions approving the Intergovernmental Agreements between the City and the Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District No. 9 for: 1) Operation and Maintenance of the Sedona Community Swimming Pool and 2) Use of Facilities. l. AB 2074 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 10S Beer and Wine Store with Sampling Privileges Liquor License application for Scorpion on the Porch located at 293 N Hwy 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #10033217). m. AB 2076 Approval of award of a Job Order Contract to J. Banicki Construction, Inc. in the approximate amount of $199,858, for construction of the SR 89A Landscape Improvements Project. n. AB 2082 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for the Rotary Club of Sedona Charitable Fund, Inc.'s Great Sedona Chili Cook-Off scheduled for May 7, 2016 at Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village, 336 SR 179, Sedona, AZ as part of the Cinco de Mayo Celebration. p. AB 2024 Approval of a Resolution in support of the Arizona Department of Transportation's I-17 Black Canyon City to Cordes Junction Improvement Plan.
AB 2072 Approval of a Resolution authorizing posting of "No Parking" signs along both sides of Back O' Beyond Road in accordance with City Code Section 10.20.030 “Authority to erect signs restricting parking”.
AB 2083 Approval of a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and Yavapai County for project management of the Dry Creek Road Overlay Project.
AB 2086 Approval of additional funding for the Construction Manager At Risk contract for the Posse Grounds Pavilion in Barbara Antonsen Memorial Park Project with Loven Contracting, Inc., in the additional approximate amount of $227,200.85 for addition of Bid Alternatives 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15, subject to approval of a written contract by the City Attorney’s Office.
7. Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, March 30, 2016. b. Presentation of Proclamation, “A Purple Heart City”. c. Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization “RiverFest Month” April 2016. d. Presentation of Proclamation, “Walking Free”, April 9, 2016. e. Presentation of Proclamation, “Annual Start by Believing Day”.
Regular Business AB 2073 Presentation/discussion with Dr. Clint Ewell regarding a general countywide update on Yavapai College.
AB 2085 Discussion/possible direction concerning review and clarification of Council priorities.
AB 2075 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
8. Regular Business e. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 10. Adjournment