Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - April 12, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - April 13, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. c. Approval of Proclamation, Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2016. d. AB 2070 Approval of award of a construction contract for the Cathedral Rock Trail Head Improvements Project to Paul R. Peterson Construction, Inc. in the approximate amount of $116,555.90. e. AB 2096 Approval of a revised parking agreement with L&L Printing, LLC for the use of the lot located at 298 Van Deren Road for public parking. 4. Appointments - None.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2016.
Regular Business a. AB 2097 Discussion/possible direction regarding possible franchise agreement extensions for Arizona Public Service Company and UNS Gas, Inc. which would be referred to the voters for consideration.
AB 2101 Discussion/possible direction regarding a proposed sustainable pilgrimage site and the possible accelerated planning of the Dells Land.
AB 2087 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the adoption of a Resolution officially recognizing Sedona as an International City of Peace under the auspices of the International Cities of Peace Organization.
AB 2098 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution declaring that granting of a certain franchise is beneficial to the City of Sedona and ordering an election to be held on August 30, 2016 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Sedona the question as to whether or not a franchise shall be granted to Arizona Public Service Company.
AB 2099 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution declaring that granting of a certain franchise is beneficial to the City of Sedona and ordering an election to be held on August 30, 2016 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Sedona the question as to whether or not a franchise shall be granted to UNS Gas, Inc.
AB 2100 Discussion/possible action on a Resolution authorizing the City Clerk to call the 2016 Primary Election for the offices of City Councilor (three seats with four-year terms and one seat with a two-year term) and Mayor (two-year term), a proposed franchise for Arizona Public Service Company, a proposed franchise for UNS Gas, Inc., and to call the 2016 General election, if needed.
AB 2075 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
i. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 9. Executive Session If an Executive Session is necessary, it will be held in the Vultee Conference Room at 106 Roadrunner Drive. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, the Council may hold an Executive Session that is not open to the public for the following purposes: a. To consult with legal counsel for advice on matters listed on this agenda per A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3). b. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items. 10. Adjournment
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - April 12, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - April 13, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. c. Approval of Proclamation, Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2016. d. AB 2070 Approval of award of a construction contract for the Cathedral Rock Trail Head Improvements Project to Paul R. Peterson Construction, Inc. in the approximate amount of $116,555.90. e. AB 2096 Approval of a revised parking agreement with L&L Printing, LLC for the use of the lot located at 298 Van Deren Road for public parking. 4. Appointments - None.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2016.
Regular Business a. AB 2097 Discussion/possible direction regarding possible franchise agreement extensions for Arizona Public Service Company and UNS Gas, Inc. which would be referred to the voters for consideration.
AB 2101 Discussion/possible direction regarding a proposed sustainable pilgrimage site and the possible accelerated planning of the Dells Land.
AB 2087 Presentation/discussion/possible action regarding the adoption of a Resolution officially recognizing Sedona as an International City of Peace under the auspices of the International Cities of Peace Organization.
AB 2098 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution declaring that granting of a certain franchise is beneficial to the City of Sedona and ordering an election to be held on August 30, 2016 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Sedona the question as to whether or not a franchise shall be granted to Arizona Public Service Company.
AB 2099 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution declaring that granting of a certain franchise is beneficial to the City of Sedona and ordering an election to be held on August 30, 2016 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Sedona the question as to whether or not a franchise shall be granted to UNS Gas, Inc.
AB 2100 Discussion/possible action on a Resolution authorizing the City Clerk to call the 2016 Primary Election for the offices of City Councilor (three seats with four-year terms and one seat with a two-year term) and Mayor (two-year term), a proposed franchise for Arizona Public Service Company, a proposed franchise for UNS Gas, Inc., and to call the 2016 General election, if needed.
AB 2075 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
i. Discussion/possible action on Future Meeting/Agenda Items. 9. Executive Session If an Executive Session is necessary, it will be held in the Vultee Conference Room at 106 Roadrunner Drive. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, the Council may hold an Executive Session that is not open to the public for the following purposes: a. To consult with legal counsel for advice on matters listed on this agenda per A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3). b. Return to open session. Discussion/possible action on executive session items. 10. Adjournment