a. Minutes - September 13, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - September 14, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2162 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 18 In-State Craft Distillery Liquor License for Redwall Distillery located at 2130 Shelby Drive, Sedona, AZ (License #18133002).
AB 2159 Presentation/discussion with Dr. Clint Ewell, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, regarding a general countywide update on Yavapai College.
AB 2161 Discussion/possible action regarding use of contingency funds for Carrol Canyon Wash bank protection emergency work occurring at 2280 Shelby Drive (Sedona Recycles Center).
a. Minutes - September 13, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - September 14, 2016 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2162 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 18 In-State Craft Distillery Liquor License for Redwall Distillery located at 2130 Shelby Drive, Sedona, AZ (License #18133002).
AB 2159 Presentation/discussion with Dr. Clint Ewell, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, regarding a general countywide update on Yavapai College.
AB 2161 Discussion/possible action regarding use of contingency funds for Carrol Canyon Wash bank protection emergency work occurring at 2280 Shelby Drive (Sedona Recycles Center).