Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - December 13, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. AB 2197 Approval of a three-year public parking agreement with Wayside Chapel for the use of their lot for public parking.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Swearing in of Chief of Police, David McGill, by Magistrate Judge Lewis Levin.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction on the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction on the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2121 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a resolution amending the Sedona Historic Preservation Commission Operating Rules and Procedures, and a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona Land Development Code, Article 3, Section 303, Historic Preservation Commission, and Article 15, Historic Preservation Ordinance.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - December 13, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting. b. AB 2197 Approval of a three-year public parking agreement with Wayside Chapel for the use of their lot for public parking.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Swearing in of Chief of Police, David McGill, by Magistrate Judge Lewis Levin.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction on the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction on the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2121 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a resolution amending the Sedona Historic Preservation Commission Operating Rules and Procedures, and a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona Land Development Code, Article 3, Section 303, Historic Preservation Commission, and Article 15, Historic Preservation Ordinance.