Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - February 28, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - February 28, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - March 1, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. e. Approval of Proclamation recognizing the service of K-9 Dalan on his retirement from the Sedona Police Department. f. AB 2214 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for an Arizona Forward Association event scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 2017 located at Sedona City Hall, 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona, AZ.
AB 2217 Approval of a Resolution in support of the Arizona Department of Transportation's I-17 Black Canyon City to Cordes Junction Improvement Plan.
AB 2218 Approval of authorization for the Mayor to sign a letter of intent regarding the Magistrate Judge’s Employment Agreement as discussed in executive session.
AB 2206 Discussion/possible action regarding the reappointment of members to the Personnel Board.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards Presentation of Proclamation recognizing the service of K-9 Dalan on his retirement from the Sedona Police Department.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2207 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
8D. Discussion/possible action on future meeting/agenda items. 10. Adjournment
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - February 28, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - February 28, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - March 1, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. e. Approval of Proclamation recognizing the service of K-9 Dalan on his retirement from the Sedona Police Department. f. AB 2214 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for an Arizona Forward Association event scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 2017 located at Sedona City Hall, 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona, AZ.
AB 2217 Approval of a Resolution in support of the Arizona Department of Transportation's I-17 Black Canyon City to Cordes Junction Improvement Plan.
AB 2218 Approval of authorization for the Mayor to sign a letter of intent regarding the Magistrate Judge’s Employment Agreement as discussed in executive session.
AB 2206 Discussion/possible action regarding the reappointment of members to the Personnel Board.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards Presentation of Proclamation recognizing the service of K-9 Dalan on his retirement from the Sedona Police Department.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
AB 2207 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
8D. Discussion/possible action on future meeting/agenda items. 10. Adjournment