Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - May 9, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - May 9, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. AB 2232 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License application for Sedona Off Road Adventures located at 320 N State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #10033228). d. AB 2196 Approval of a Resolution revising the Board of Adjustment Operating Rules and Procedures to update the document and provide for Hearing Officer procedures.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - May 9, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - May 9, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. AB 2232 Approval of recommendation regarding a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License application for Sedona Off Road Adventures located at 320 N State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #10033228). d. AB 2196 Approval of a Resolution revising the Board of Adjustment Operating Rules and Procedures to update the document and provide for Hearing Officer procedures.
AB 2147 Discussion/possible direction regarding the next steps toward development of possible alternatives, strategies, and recommended improvements as part of the Transportation Master Plan Project.