Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - June 13, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - June 13, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - June 14, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. e. AB 2242 Approval of a recommendation regarding a Liquor License Agent Change/Acquisition of Control application for the Series 9 Liquor Store Liquor License for Walgreens #4065 located at 1995 HWY 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #09130012). f. AB 2249 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 10S Beer and Wine Store Liquor License application with Sampling Privileges for Sedona Divine Olive Oils, LLC located at 270 N State Route 89A, Suite 5, Sedona, AZ (License #10033232). g. AB 2251 Approval of purchase of a replacement 600 KW Caterpillar generator for the WWTP in the approximate amount of $170,000 through the NJPA Cooperative Purchasing Contract.
3. AB 2239 Approval of FY18 service contracts with the Sedona Community Center, Sedona Recycles, and Verde Valley Caregivers. 4. Appointments – None.
5. Summary of Current Events by Mayor/Councilors/City Manager 6. Public Forum 7. Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards - None
Regular Business AB 2234 Discussion/possible action regarding a Development Agreement and Reciprocal Easement Agreement between the City of Sedona, the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau, and the Sedona Jazz Collective, LLC for the construction of pedestrian access improvements and an ADA walkway at the northwest corner of Forest Road and Hwy 89A in Uptown.
AB 2243 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City of Sedona's continued involvement in holiday decorating and events in the month of December.
AB 2248 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona City Code, Chapter 10.20 (Parking) and repealing Chapter 10.30.
AB 2233 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution adopting a demand-based rate structure for on-street paid parking on Main Street in Uptown.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - June 13, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - June 13, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - June 14, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. e. AB 2242 Approval of a recommendation regarding a Liquor License Agent Change/Acquisition of Control application for the Series 9 Liquor Store Liquor License for Walgreens #4065 located at 1995 HWY 89A, Sedona, AZ (License #09130012). f. AB 2249 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 10S Beer and Wine Store Liquor License application with Sampling Privileges for Sedona Divine Olive Oils, LLC located at 270 N State Route 89A, Suite 5, Sedona, AZ (License #10033232). g. AB 2251 Approval of purchase of a replacement 600 KW Caterpillar generator for the WWTP in the approximate amount of $170,000 through the NJPA Cooperative Purchasing Contract.
3. AB 2239 Approval of FY18 service contracts with the Sedona Community Center, Sedona Recycles, and Verde Valley Caregivers. 4. Appointments – None.
5. Summary of Current Events by Mayor/Councilors/City Manager 6. Public Forum 7. Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards - None
Regular Business AB 2234 Discussion/possible action regarding a Development Agreement and Reciprocal Easement Agreement between the City of Sedona, the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau, and the Sedona Jazz Collective, LLC for the construction of pedestrian access improvements and an ADA walkway at the northwest corner of Forest Road and Hwy 89A in Uptown.
AB 2243 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City of Sedona's continued involvement in holiday decorating and events in the month of December.
AB 2248 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona City Code, Chapter 10.20 (Parking) and repealing Chapter 10.30.
AB 2233 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution adopting a demand-based rate structure for on-street paid parking on Main Street in Uptown.