CONSENT ITEMS - APPROVE a. Minutes - July 11, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - July 12, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 2257 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for Canned Sedona for an event scheduled for Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. located at Tlaquepaque, 336 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ.
AB 2250 Approval for award of a Job Order Contract t (JOC) to KP Ventures Well Drilling & Pump Company, LLC for the Wastewater Reclamation Plant (WWRP) Recharge Wells Drilling Project JOC in the approximate amount of $900,000 for drilling a Point of Compliance (POC) and future Recharge Wells.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for the public to comment on matters not listed on the agenda. The City Council may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.)
8. REGULAR BUSINESS b. Reports/discussion on Council assignments. c. Discussion/possible action on future meeting/agenda items. 10. ADJOURNMENT
CONSENT ITEMS - APPROVE a. Minutes - July 11, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - July 12, 2017 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 2257 Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for Canned Sedona for an event scheduled for Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. located at Tlaquepaque, 336 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ.
AB 2250 Approval for award of a Job Order Contract t (JOC) to KP Ventures Well Drilling & Pump Company, LLC for the Wastewater Reclamation Plant (WWRP) Recharge Wells Drilling Project JOC in the approximate amount of $900,000 for drilling a Point of Compliance (POC) and future Recharge Wells.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for the public to comment on matters not listed on the agenda. The City Council may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.)
8. REGULAR BUSINESS b. Reports/discussion on Council assignments. c. Discussion/possible action on future meeting/agenda items. 10. ADJOURNMENT