AB 2372 Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change to increase the number of permitted lodging units and Development Agreement to allow for construction of a new 85 room hotel (Marriott Residence Inn), 5 employee housing units, and associated site improvements at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC).
AB 2372 Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change to increase the number of permitted lodging units and Development Agreement to allow for construction of a new 85 room hotel (Marriott Residence Inn), 5 employee housing units, and associated site improvements at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC).