Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - June 26, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - June 26, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. d. AB 2407 Approval of an employment agreement between the City of Sedona and Robert Pickels, Jr. for the position of City Attorney.
AB 2395 Approval of a resolution authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of Sedona and the Yavapai County Flood Control District (YCFCD) contributing $350,000 in drainage funds to be used for the Little Elf Phase Drainage Project.
Appointments a. AB 2403 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of a board member to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board.
Regular Business AB 2393 Discussion/possible action regarding the distribution of funding awards through the City’s Small Grants Program for the 2019 fiscal year.
AB 2274 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding the City’s comments & objection to the Forest Service on the Draft Decision in the Final Environmental Assessment, which assessed possible alternatives to create an access easement for the construction of a private road to Coconino County parcels 408-27-003 C, E, and F (Tobias/Flynn) located across Oak Creek from Poco Diablo Resort and Chavez Crossing Campground in Sedona.
AB 2400 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution adopting the 2018 Yavapai County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
AB 2401 Presentation/discussion regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor, City Councilors, City Manager, and Department Heads during an emergency incident.
AB 2410 Discussion/possible direction regarding matters considered by the League Policy Committees
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - June 26, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - June 26, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. d. AB 2407 Approval of an employment agreement between the City of Sedona and Robert Pickels, Jr. for the position of City Attorney.
AB 2395 Approval of a resolution authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of Sedona and the Yavapai County Flood Control District (YCFCD) contributing $350,000 in drainage funds to be used for the Little Elf Phase Drainage Project.
Appointments a. AB 2403 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of a board member to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board.
Regular Business AB 2393 Discussion/possible action regarding the distribution of funding awards through the City’s Small Grants Program for the 2019 fiscal year.
AB 2274 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding the City’s comments & objection to the Forest Service on the Draft Decision in the Final Environmental Assessment, which assessed possible alternatives to create an access easement for the construction of a private road to Coconino County parcels 408-27-003 C, E, and F (Tobias/Flynn) located across Oak Creek from Poco Diablo Resort and Chavez Crossing Campground in Sedona.
AB 2400 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution adopting the 2018 Yavapai County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
AB 2401 Presentation/discussion regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor, City Councilors, City Manager, and Department Heads during an emergency incident.
AB 2410 Discussion/possible direction regarding matters considered by the League Policy Committees