Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - August 14, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - August 14, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - August 15, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. e. Approval of Proclamation, National Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2018. g. AB 2315 Ratification of the action approved under item 8a of the July 24, 2018 regular City Council meeting titled “Discussion/possible direction regarding the Wastewater Master Plan Update and possible funding and policy changes for collection system expansions.” and clarification of the parcels included in that action.
AB 2419 Approval of a letter to Arizona's US senators in support of the future designation of Route 66 as a National Historic Trail.
Presentation of the following awards: Life Saving Award for Officer Steven Willadsen and Chief Commendations for Sergeant Casey Pelletier, Officer Kevin McCullar, and two Sedona citizens, Trevor Knight and Philip Butler.
AB 2420 Presentation/discussion from Coconino Community College regarding an update on the College, information about Proposition 417 on the November 6, 2018 ballot, and the opportunities it would give the College.
AB 2415 Discussion/possible action on the adoption of a resolution approving a Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Pension Funding Policy.
AB 2422 Discussion/possible action regarding the approval of a professional services contract with Verizon Traffic Data Services for ongoing origin-destination and travel time data, in the approximate amount of $50,000.
AB 2418 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution approving the canvass of the City's Primary Election held on August 28, 2018.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - August 14, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - August 14, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - August 15, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. e. Approval of Proclamation, National Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2018. g. AB 2315 Ratification of the action approved under item 8a of the July 24, 2018 regular City Council meeting titled “Discussion/possible direction regarding the Wastewater Master Plan Update and possible funding and policy changes for collection system expansions.” and clarification of the parcels included in that action.
AB 2419 Approval of a letter to Arizona's US senators in support of the future designation of Route 66 as a National Historic Trail.
Presentation of the following awards: Life Saving Award for Officer Steven Willadsen and Chief Commendations for Sergeant Casey Pelletier, Officer Kevin McCullar, and two Sedona citizens, Trevor Knight and Philip Butler.
AB 2420 Presentation/discussion from Coconino Community College regarding an update on the College, information about Proposition 417 on the November 6, 2018 ballot, and the opportunities it would give the College.
AB 2415 Discussion/possible action on the adoption of a resolution approving a Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Pension Funding Policy.
AB 2422 Discussion/possible action regarding the approval of a professional services contract with Verizon Traffic Data Services for ongoing origin-destination and travel time data, in the approximate amount of $50,000.
AB 2418 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution approving the canvass of the City's Primary Election held on August 28, 2018.