Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - October 9, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - October 9, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - October 10, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. d. Minutes - October 11, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. e. AB 2433 Approval of amendment to the employment agreement between the City of Sedona and Justin Clifton, City Manager.
AB 2421 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution approving a new Collection Agreement between the City of Sedona and the US Forest Service allowing the City to provide funding to the US Forest Service for construction, improvements, and maintenance of the non-motorized trail system in and around the Sedona area.
AB 2431 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona City Code Chapter 5.05 (Business Licensing) to eliminate the license requirement for businesses outside of the City limits except for temporary special events and to make other minor clerical clarifications.
AB 2434 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and the State of Arizona for Sedona In Motion Strategy 4, Intersection of SR 179 & SR 89A Bypass Lanes.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - October 9, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. b. Minutes - October 9, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - October 10, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. d. Minutes - October 11, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. e. AB 2433 Approval of amendment to the employment agreement between the City of Sedona and Justin Clifton, City Manager.
AB 2421 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution approving a new Collection Agreement between the City of Sedona and the US Forest Service allowing the City to provide funding to the US Forest Service for construction, improvements, and maintenance of the non-motorized trail system in and around the Sedona area.
AB 2431 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution and ordinance amending the Sedona City Code Chapter 5.05 (Business Licensing) to eliminate the license requirement for businesses outside of the City limits except for temporary special events and to make other minor clerical clarifications.
AB 2434 Discussion/possible action regarding a resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sedona and the State of Arizona for Sedona In Motion Strategy 4, Intersection of SR 179 & SR 89A Bypass Lanes.