a. Minutes - October 23, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - October 24, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2435 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Fiesta Mexicana located at 1950 W SR 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #32809). d. AB 2437 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 19 Remote Tasting Room Liquor License for Flying Leap Vineyards, Inc. located at 390 N. SR 89A, Suite 3, Sedona, AZ.
Appointments a. AB 2438 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of commissioners to the Planning & Zoning Commission. b. AB 2439 Discussion/possible action regarding reappointment of commissioners to the Historic Preservation Commission.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of plaque to outgoing Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Marty Losoff.
AB 2372 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change and Development Agreement to construct a new hotel (Marriott Residence Inn) with up to 90 rooms at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). The zone change could increase the number of permitted lodging units from 121 to a maximum of 211. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC)
AB 2372 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change and Development Agreement to construct a new hotel (Marriott Residence Inn) with up to 90 rooms at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). The zone change could increase the number of permitted lodging units from 121 to a maximum of 211. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC)
AB 2436 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Professional Services Contract for preparation of the Wastewater Rate Study to Willdan Financial Services in the approximate amount of $73,970.
8C. AB 2440 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution supporting medical aid in dying. 10. Adjournment
a. Minutes - October 23, 2018 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - October 24, 2018 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2435 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Fiesta Mexicana located at 1950 W SR 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #32809). d. AB 2437 Approval of a recommendation regarding a new Series 19 Remote Tasting Room Liquor License for Flying Leap Vineyards, Inc. located at 390 N. SR 89A, Suite 3, Sedona, AZ.
Appointments a. AB 2438 Discussion/possible action regarding appointment of commissioners to the Planning & Zoning Commission. b. AB 2439 Discussion/possible action regarding reappointment of commissioners to the Historic Preservation Commission.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of plaque to outgoing Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Marty Losoff.
AB 2372 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change and Development Agreement to construct a new hotel (Marriott Residence Inn) with up to 90 rooms at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). The zone change could increase the number of permitted lodging units from 121 to a maximum of 211. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC)
AB 2372 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a request for approval of a Zone Change and Development Agreement to construct a new hotel (Marriott Residence Inn) with up to 90 rooms at 4105 W State Route 89A. The property is zoned Lodging (L) and Open Space (OS). The zone change could increase the number of permitted lodging units from 121 to a maximum of 211. A general description of the area affected includes but is not limited to the southeast corner of W State Route 89A and Upper Red Rock Loop Road. APN: 408-11-430B Applicant: Sunridge Hotel Group (Paul Welker) Case Number: PZ16-00009 (ZC)
AB 2436 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Professional Services Contract for preparation of the Wastewater Rate Study to Willdan Financial Services in the approximate amount of $73,970.
8C. AB 2440 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution supporting medical aid in dying. 10. Adjournment