a. Minutes - February 12, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - February 13, 2019 City Council Special Meeting. c. Approval of Proclamation, Stand With Me, Be Drug Free Week, February 25-March 2, 2019.
AB 2466 Approval of a Maintenance Services Contract with Keller Electrical for Pump and Motor Services for the wastewater system in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards Presentation of Recognition Awards to Employees of the Sedona Police Department (SPD) for SPD Police Officer of the Year, SPD Civilian of the Year, and SPD Volunteer of the Year and the Sedona Fire District (SFD) for SFD Firefighter of the Year and SFD Civilian of the Year by the Central Arizona Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons.
Regular Business AB 2460 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding: 1. a resolution and ordinance amending City Code Chapter 6.05 – Humane Animal Control, addressing animal care and waste and other provisions related to farm animals and the keeping of chickens and deleting references to State regulatory authority; and 2. an ordinance amending the Development Fee Schedule to provide for a $50 permitting fee for the keeping or raising of chickens and bees.
AB 2465 Discussion/possible direction regarding an updated analysis of sales tax dollars generated by residents and visitors.
AB 2467 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution urging the Arizona Legislature to ratify an amendment to the United States Constitution relative to equal rights for men and women.
AB 2461 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.
a. Minutes - February 12, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - February 13, 2019 City Council Special Meeting. c. Approval of Proclamation, Stand With Me, Be Drug Free Week, February 25-March 2, 2019.
AB 2466 Approval of a Maintenance Services Contract with Keller Electrical for Pump and Motor Services for the wastewater system in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards Presentation of Recognition Awards to Employees of the Sedona Police Department (SPD) for SPD Police Officer of the Year, SPD Civilian of the Year, and SPD Volunteer of the Year and the Sedona Fire District (SFD) for SFD Firefighter of the Year and SFD Civilian of the Year by the Central Arizona Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons.
Regular Business AB 2460 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding: 1. a resolution and ordinance amending City Code Chapter 6.05 – Humane Animal Control, addressing animal care and waste and other provisions related to farm animals and the keeping of chickens and deleting references to State regulatory authority; and 2. an ordinance amending the Development Fee Schedule to provide for a $50 permitting fee for the keeping or raising of chickens and bees.
AB 2465 Discussion/possible direction regarding an updated analysis of sales tax dollars generated by residents and visitors.
AB 2467 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution urging the Arizona Legislature to ratify an amendment to the United States Constitution relative to equal rights for men and women.
AB 2461 Discussion/possible action regarding proposed State legislation and its potential impact on the City of Sedona.