a. Minutes - July 23, 2019 City Council Special Meeting – Executive Session. b. Minutes - July 23, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting. c. AB 2513 Approval of 1) a contract with Dave Bang Associates, Inc. in the approximate amount of $186,575.75 for the Sunset Park improvements; and 2) an increase in the project budget by $18,500. d. AB 2517 Approval of a Resolution appointing the City of Sedona Finance Director as Chief Financial Officer of the City for the purpose of submitting the annual expenditure limitation report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office.
Regular Business AB 2485 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance updating the current fee schedule for the City of Sedona Community Development Department applications.
AB 2464 Discussion/possible action to approve the publication of a Notice of Intention to Increase Wastewater Rates in accordance with A.R.S. § 9-511.01 and to set a public hearing date at which time Council will consider adoption of a final ordinance changing the City's wastewater rates and rate structure.
AB 2515 Public hearing/presentation regarding the City of Sedona Development Impact Fee Audit Report for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18.
AB 2514 Discussion/possible direction regarding items for consideration by the League Resolutions Committee for possible inclusion in the 2020 League legislative program.
a. Minutes - July 23, 2019 City Council Special Meeting – Executive Session. b. Minutes - July 23, 2019 City Council Regular Meeting. c. AB 2513 Approval of 1) a contract with Dave Bang Associates, Inc. in the approximate amount of $186,575.75 for the Sunset Park improvements; and 2) an increase in the project budget by $18,500. d. AB 2517 Approval of a Resolution appointing the City of Sedona Finance Director as Chief Financial Officer of the City for the purpose of submitting the annual expenditure limitation report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office.
Regular Business AB 2485 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance updating the current fee schedule for the City of Sedona Community Development Department applications.
AB 2464 Discussion/possible action to approve the publication of a Notice of Intention to Increase Wastewater Rates in accordance with A.R.S. § 9-511.01 and to set a public hearing date at which time Council will consider adoption of a final ordinance changing the City's wastewater rates and rate structure.
AB 2515 Public hearing/presentation regarding the City of Sedona Development Impact Fee Audit Report for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18.
AB 2514 Discussion/possible direction regarding items for consideration by the League Resolutions Committee for possible inclusion in the 2020 League legislative program.