a. Minutes - April 14, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. d. AB 2575 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License for Sedona Best Western Plus Arroyo Roble and Creekside Villas located at 400 N State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #85426). e. AB 2577 Approval of the appointment of Judge Eric Jeffery as Magistrate Pro Tem for the Sedona Municipal Court. f. AB 2578 Approval of Cottages at Peach Lane Final Plat to allow for a three (3) unit townhouse subdivision at 460 Peach Lane. The property is zoned RM-3 (Multi-family Residential) and is located at the northwest corner of Sunset Lane and Peach Lane. APN 401-14-100. Applicant: Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Case Number PZ18-00001 (SUB).
AB 2574 Approval of Change Order 1 in the amount of $272,477 to the Wastewater Collection System Improvements – SR179 Sewer Main Replacement Construction Manager at Risk Construction Services Contract with Kinney Construction, LLC.
REGULAR BUSINESS AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.
AB 2572 Discussion/possible action regarding ideas for possible resolutions for consideration by League of Arizona Cities and Towns’ policy committees.
a. Minutes - April 14, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. d. AB 2575 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License for Sedona Best Western Plus Arroyo Roble and Creekside Villas located at 400 N State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #85426). e. AB 2577 Approval of the appointment of Judge Eric Jeffery as Magistrate Pro Tem for the Sedona Municipal Court. f. AB 2578 Approval of Cottages at Peach Lane Final Plat to allow for a three (3) unit townhouse subdivision at 460 Peach Lane. The property is zoned RM-3 (Multi-family Residential) and is located at the northwest corner of Sunset Lane and Peach Lane. APN 401-14-100. Applicant: Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Case Number PZ18-00001 (SUB).
AB 2574 Approval of Change Order 1 in the amount of $272,477 to the Wastewater Collection System Improvements – SR179 Sewer Main Replacement Construction Manager at Risk Construction Services Contract with Kinney Construction, LLC.
REGULAR BUSINESS AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.
AB 2572 Discussion/possible action regarding ideas for possible resolutions for consideration by League of Arizona Cities and Towns’ policy committees.