SPECIAL BUSINESS Work Session regarding City of Sedona budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. The Council may take action to give direction regarding amendments or changes to the proposed City budget or Capital Improvements Plan. An introduction to and overview of the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Budget process will be presented, and strategic budget issues for FY 2021 will be discussed.
An overview of the actions that could be taken in response to the financial crisis will be presented and discussed.
f. Recap and review of overall budget, decision packages, capital improvement projects, and financial impacts. 5. ADJOURNMENT
SPECIAL BUSINESS Work Session regarding City of Sedona budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. The Council may take action to give direction regarding amendments or changes to the proposed City budget or Capital Improvements Plan. An introduction to and overview of the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Budget process will be presented, and strategic budget issues for FY 2021 will be discussed.
An overview of the actions that could be taken in response to the financial crisis will be presented and discussed.
f. Recap and review of overall budget, decision packages, capital improvement projects, and financial impacts. 5. ADJOURNMENT