Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes – May 26, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Approval of Proclamation, United States Army’s 245th Birthday, June 14, 2020. c. AB 2585 Approval of a lease agreement (with incorporated MOU) between the City of Sedona and the Sedona Historical Society (SHS) to operate the public Sedona Heritage Museum and associated outbuildings at Jordan Historical Park. d. AB 2588 Approval of a Resolution authorizing a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for the City of Sedona to purchase the property located at 460 Forest Road (APN 401-16-100) located in Coconino County, City of Sedona, Arizona, for the sum of $410,000 for use as a future parking structure
Regular Business AB 2579 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance establishing Parking In-Lieu Fees within the Uptown Sedona Business District.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes – May 26, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Approval of Proclamation, United States Army’s 245th Birthday, June 14, 2020. c. AB 2585 Approval of a lease agreement (with incorporated MOU) between the City of Sedona and the Sedona Historical Society (SHS) to operate the public Sedona Heritage Museum and associated outbuildings at Jordan Historical Park. d. AB 2588 Approval of a Resolution authorizing a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for the City of Sedona to purchase the property located at 460 Forest Road (APN 401-16-100) located in Coconino County, City of Sedona, Arizona, for the sum of $410,000 for use as a future parking structure
Regular Business AB 2579 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance establishing Parking In-Lieu Fees within the Uptown Sedona Business District.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.