CONSENT ITEMS - APPROVE a. Minutes - July 14, 2020 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. b. Minutes - July 14, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - July 16, 2020 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. d. AB 2594 Approval of a Resolution authorizing the City to sign a Programmatic Agreement with ADOT regarding the administration of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. e. AB 2595 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License for Vino Zona located at 336 SR 179, #A207, Sedona, AZ (File #112870). f. AB 2599 Approval to lease purchase a replacement audio/video system in all patrol vehicles including three body cameras for the pilot body camera program.
REGULAR BUSINESS AB 2596 Discussion/possible action regarding the distribution of funding awards through the City’s Small Grants Program for the 2021 fiscal year.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.
CONSENT ITEMS - APPROVE a. Minutes - July 14, 2020 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. b. Minutes - July 14, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes - July 16, 2020 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. d. AB 2594 Approval of a Resolution authorizing the City to sign a Programmatic Agreement with ADOT regarding the administration of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. e. AB 2595 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License for Vino Zona located at 336 SR 179, #A207, Sedona, AZ (File #112870). f. AB 2599 Approval to lease purchase a replacement audio/video system in all patrol vehicles including three body cameras for the pilot body camera program.
REGULAR BUSINESS AB 2596 Discussion/possible action regarding the distribution of funding awards through the City’s Small Grants Program for the 2021 fiscal year.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.