SPECIAL BUSINESS & EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Interviews with candidates for City Council vacancy. Candidates to be interviewed are as follows: i. Jeanette Smith ii. Robert Porter iii. Jon Thompson
3B. Deliberation regarding candidates interviewed to fill the City Council vacancy. This matter is brought in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(1). 3C. AB 2664 Discussion/possible action regarding selection and appointment of a person to fill the City Council vacancy 4. Adjournment
SPECIAL BUSINESS & EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Interviews with candidates for City Council vacancy. Candidates to be interviewed are as follows: i. Jeanette Smith ii. Robert Porter iii. Jon Thompson
3B. Deliberation regarding candidates interviewed to fill the City Council vacancy. This matter is brought in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(1). 3C. AB 2664 Discussion/possible action regarding selection and appointment of a person to fill the City Council vacancy 4. Adjournment