a. Minutes - May 11, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - May 12, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2680 Approval of a Resolution appointing the City of Sedona Finance Director as Chief Fiscal Officer of the City for the purpose of submitting the annual expenditure limitation report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office. d. AB 2686 Approval of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for Design Phase Services for the Uptown Sedona Parking Garage Project with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $166,374.
AB 2669 Presentation/discussion by Arizona Public Service (APS) regarding their fire mitigation efforts and summer readiness program.
AB 2464 Discussion/possible action to approve the publication of a Notice of Intention to Increase Wastewater Rates in accordance with A.R.S. § 9-511.01 and to set a public hearing date at which time Council will consider adoption of a final ordinance changing the City's wastewater capacity fee rates and rate structure.
AB 2683 Discussion/possible action regarding the use of FY21 Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) contract contingency funds in the approximate amount of $296,000 to pay off the real property owned by the SCC&TB at 401 Jordan Road, SCC&TB’s transfer of ownership of the property to the City, and authorization of a budget transfer from contingency.
AB 2685 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Parking Agreement and Residential Lease Agreement between the City of Sedona and Arizona Safari Jeep Tours, LLC.
AB 2646 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding proposed State legislation and State budget and the potential impact on the City of Sedona.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.
a. Minutes - May 11, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Minutes - May 12, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. c. AB 2680 Approval of a Resolution appointing the City of Sedona Finance Director as Chief Fiscal Officer of the City for the purpose of submitting the annual expenditure limitation report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office. d. AB 2686 Approval of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for Design Phase Services for the Uptown Sedona Parking Garage Project with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $166,374.
AB 2669 Presentation/discussion by Arizona Public Service (APS) regarding their fire mitigation efforts and summer readiness program.
AB 2464 Discussion/possible action to approve the publication of a Notice of Intention to Increase Wastewater Rates in accordance with A.R.S. § 9-511.01 and to set a public hearing date at which time Council will consider adoption of a final ordinance changing the City's wastewater capacity fee rates and rate structure.
AB 2683 Discussion/possible action regarding the use of FY21 Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) contract contingency funds in the approximate amount of $296,000 to pay off the real property owned by the SCC&TB at 401 Jordan Road, SCC&TB’s transfer of ownership of the property to the City, and authorization of a budget transfer from contingency.
AB 2685 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a Parking Agreement and Residential Lease Agreement between the City of Sedona and Arizona Safari Jeep Tours, LLC.
AB 2646 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding proposed State legislation and State budget and the potential impact on the City of Sedona.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response.