3. SPECIAL BUSINESS a. AB 2702 Discussion regarding a City-initiated application for a Major Community Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Single-family Low Density to Commercial and a Zone Change from RS-18 (Single-family Residential) to M3 (Mixed Use Activity Center) to allow for the development of a parking garage in Uptown Sedona. The property consists of two parcels totaling 1.24 acres along the north side of Forest Road (430 and 460 Forest Road). APN: 401-16-100 and 401-16-071. Applicant: City of Sedona. Case Number: PZ21-00003 (Major CPA, ZC). b. Discussion/possible action regarding future meetings/agenda items. 5. ADJOURNMENT
3. SPECIAL BUSINESS a. AB 2702 Discussion regarding a City-initiated application for a Major Community Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Single-family Low Density to Commercial and a Zone Change from RS-18 (Single-family Residential) to M3 (Mixed Use Activity Center) to allow for the development of a parking garage in Uptown Sedona. The property consists of two parcels totaling 1.24 acres along the north side of Forest Road (430 and 460 Forest Road). APN: 401-16-100 and 401-16-071. Applicant: City of Sedona. Case Number: PZ21-00003 (Major CPA, ZC). b. Discussion/possible action regarding future meetings/agenda items. 5. ADJOURNMENT