Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. b. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. c. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. d. Minutes - August 11, 2021 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. e. Minutes - August 11, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. f. Approval of Proclamation, Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2021. g. AB 2717 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Mradaa Cuisine of India located at 1910 W Hwy 89A, #102, Sedona, AZ (File# 154206). h. AB 2721 Approval of a contract with Albert Holler & Associates in the amount of $72,000 annually to perform sales tax audits on behalf of the City. i. AB 2724 Approval of the appointment of Judges Paul Schlegel and Michael Goimarac as Magistrates Pro Tem for the Sedona Municipal Court.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2021.
AB 2682 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City’s participation with the Yavapai County Broadband Final Mile Initiative.
AB 2726 Discussion/possible direction regarding operational changes within Sedona Recycles and possible resulting changes to the City's provider agreement with Sedona Recycles.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response. 10. Adjournment
Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. b. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. c. Minutes - August 10, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. d. Minutes - August 11, 2021 City Council Special Meeting - Executive Session. e. Minutes - August 11, 2021 City Council Special Meeting. f. Approval of Proclamation, Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2021. g. AB 2717 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Mradaa Cuisine of India located at 1910 W Hwy 89A, #102, Sedona, AZ (File# 154206). h. AB 2721 Approval of a contract with Albert Holler & Associates in the amount of $72,000 annually to perform sales tax audits on behalf of the City. i. AB 2724 Approval of the appointment of Judges Paul Schlegel and Michael Goimarac as Magistrates Pro Tem for the Sedona Municipal Court.
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2021.
AB 2682 Discussion/possible direction regarding the City’s participation with the Yavapai County Broadband Final Mile Initiative.
AB 2726 Discussion/possible direction regarding operational changes within Sedona Recycles and possible resulting changes to the City's provider agreement with Sedona Recycles.
AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response. 10. Adjournment