3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - November 9, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Week, November 28 - December 4, 2021. c. AB 2720 Approval of award of a construction contract for the Police Station Remodel Project with Hope Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,990,000. d. AB 2744 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License for Sedona Real Inn & Suites located at 95 Arroyo Pinon Drive, Sedona, AZ (File #161504).
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Week, November 28 - December 4, 2021.
AB 2738 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission's September 21, 2021 approval, with conditions, of a conditional use permit for the Running River School located at 580 Brewer Road (Christ Center Wesleyan Church). PZ21-00012 (CUP), APPE21-00001.
AB 2749 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution and Ordinance updating the City of Sedona’s Consolidated Fee Schedule.
AB 2748 Discussion/possible action regarding the approval of a five-year service agreement with MV Transportation Inc. for the provision of Trailhead Shuttle & Microtransit services.
AB 2752 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a contract with Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona (HSNA) to provide homeownership education and counseling and administer downpayment assistance programs in the amount of $60,000 annually
8E. AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response. 10. Adjournment
3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes - November 9, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting. b. Approval of Proclamation, Verde River Week, November 28 - December 4, 2021. c. AB 2720 Approval of award of a construction contract for the Police Station Remodel Project with Hope Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,990,000. d. AB 2744 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 7 Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License for Sedona Real Inn & Suites located at 95 Arroyo Pinon Drive, Sedona, AZ (File #161504).
Proclamations, Recognitions, & Awards a. Presentation of Proclamation, Verde River Week, November 28 - December 4, 2021.
AB 2738 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission's September 21, 2021 approval, with conditions, of a conditional use permit for the Running River School located at 580 Brewer Road (Christ Center Wesleyan Church). PZ21-00012 (CUP), APPE21-00001.
AB 2749 Public hearing/discussion/possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution and Ordinance updating the City of Sedona’s Consolidated Fee Schedule.
AB 2748 Discussion/possible action regarding the approval of a five-year service agreement with MV Transportation Inc. for the provision of Trailhead Shuttle & Microtransit services.
AB 2752 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of a contract with Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona (HSNA) to provide homeownership education and counseling and administer downpayment assistance programs in the amount of $60,000 annually
8E. AB 2571 Discussion/possible direction regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the City's response. 10. Adjournment