3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes – March 8, 2022 City Council Special Meeting – Executive Session. b. Minutes – March 8, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes – March 9, 2022 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 2788 Approval a Resolution calling the 2022 Primary Election for the offices of City Councilor (three seats with four-year terms) and Mayor (two-year term), a proposal for extension of the Local Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option, and to call the 2022 General election, if needed. e. AB 2790 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License with Sampling Privileges for Natural Grocers located at 1915 W State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #179735). f. AB 2796 Approval of a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the provision of services by the Coconino County Elections Department. g. AB 2791 Approval of additional construction contract expenditures for the Shelby Drive Roadway Improvements Project, for cumulative change orders exceeding 10% of the original contract value. h. AB 2793 Approval of a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Ochoa Family for the purchase of APN 401-38-006B (780 Forest Road) for the Forest Road Extension Project.
AB 2783 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on the Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s response to the City’s request to implement a limited entry permit system for motorized use in the greater Sedona area.
AB 2794 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance amending the Sedona City Code Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) by adopting amendments to Chapter 10.20 (Parking) and an Ordinance amending the City of Sedona Parking Citation Fine Schedule.
AB 2759 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding proposed State legislation, short-term rental legislation and State budget and their potential impact on the City of Sedona.
3. Consent Items - Approve a. Minutes – March 8, 2022 City Council Special Meeting – Executive Session. b. Minutes – March 8, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting. c. Minutes – March 9, 2022 City Council Special Meeting. d. AB 2788 Approval a Resolution calling the 2022 Primary Election for the offices of City Councilor (three seats with four-year terms) and Mayor (two-year term), a proposal for extension of the Local Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option, and to call the 2022 General election, if needed. e. AB 2790 Approval of a recommendation regarding an application for a Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License with Sampling Privileges for Natural Grocers located at 1915 W State Route 89A, Sedona, AZ (File #179735). f. AB 2796 Approval of a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the provision of services by the Coconino County Elections Department. g. AB 2791 Approval of additional construction contract expenditures for the Shelby Drive Roadway Improvements Project, for cumulative change orders exceeding 10% of the original contract value. h. AB 2793 Approval of a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Ochoa Family for the purchase of APN 401-38-006B (780 Forest Road) for the Forest Road Extension Project.
AB 2783 Presentation/discussion/possible direction on the Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s response to the City’s request to implement a limited entry permit system for motorized use in the greater Sedona area.
AB 2794 Discussion/possible action regarding a Resolution and Ordinance amending the Sedona City Code Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) by adopting amendments to Chapter 10.20 (Parking) and an Ordinance amending the City of Sedona Parking Citation Fine Schedule.
AB 2759 Discussion/possible direction/action regarding proposed State legislation, short-term rental legislation and State budget and their potential impact on the City of Sedona.