CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: Discussion/possible action regarding a City-initiated request for a minor text amendment to Chapter 9 of the Sedona Community Plan, changing the major amendment criteria including allowing the following to be considered as a minor amendment: An increase in residential density; Select projects on five acres or less. Case Number: PZ19-00003 (Minor CPA).
FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, December 3, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) b. Tuesday, December 3, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) c. Tuesday, December 17, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) d. Tuesday, December 17, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT
CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: Discussion/possible action regarding a City-initiated request for a minor text amendment to Chapter 9 of the Sedona Community Plan, changing the major amendment criteria including allowing the following to be considered as a minor amendment: An increase in residential density; Select projects on five acres or less. Case Number: PZ19-00003 (Minor CPA).
FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, December 3, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) b. Tuesday, December 3, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) c. Tuesday, December 17, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) d. Tuesday, December 17, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT