CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Schnebly CFA Plan and Land Development Code regarding the density of permitted uses and the definition of campground in the Oak Creek Heritage Area zoning district, Case Number: PZ19- 00014 (CFA, LDC).
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, January 7, 2020; 3:30 pm (Work Session) b. Tuesday, January 7, 2020; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) c. Tuesday, January 21, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) d. Tuesday, January 21, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT
CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Schnebly CFA Plan and Land Development Code regarding the density of permitted uses and the definition of campground in the Oak Creek Heritage Area zoning district, Case Number: PZ19- 00014 (CFA, LDC).
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, January 7, 2020; 3:30 pm (Work Session) b. Tuesday, January 7, 2020; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) c. Tuesday, January 21, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) d. Tuesday, January 21, 2019; 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT