CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible action regarding a request for a conditional use permit for a club/lodge facility in existing buildings to allow for a membership based community center hosting classes, workshops, and events, located at 120 Deer Trail Drive (former location of OSHO Academy). The property is zoned Single Family Residential (RS-10) and is located northeast of the intersection of Deer Trail Drive and Point Drive. APN: 408- 09-023; Applicant: Sonya Belisle (Sedonya Conscious Living Center); Case Number: PZ19-00011 (CUP)
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, July 21, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) and 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) b. Tuesday, August 6, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) and 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT
CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible action regarding a request for a conditional use permit for a club/lodge facility in existing buildings to allow for a membership based community center hosting classes, workshops, and events, located at 120 Deer Trail Drive (former location of OSHO Academy). The property is zoned Single Family Residential (RS-10) and is located northeast of the intersection of Deer Trail Drive and Point Drive. APN: 408- 09-023; Applicant: Sonya Belisle (Sedonya Conscious Living Center); Case Number: PZ19-00011 (CUP)
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, July 21, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) and 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) b. Tuesday, August 6, 2019; 3:30 pm (Work Session) and 5:30 pm (Public Hearing) 8. ADJOURNMENT