APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING MINUTES: a. May 18, 2021 (SV) b. May 18, 2021 (R) c. June 1, 2021 (SV) d. June 1, 2021 (R)
CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for Conceptual Zone Change and Conceptual Development Review for a proposed 188 room hotel and 22 unit multi-family residential development at 40 Art Barn Road (Archer Hotel). The property is zoned Planned Development (PD) and is ±19 acres (Development is proposed on ±6 acres of the property; the remaining ±13 acres will remain undisturbed) and is located southeast of N State Route 89A at Art Barn Road. APN: 401-09-001A, B, C; 401-13-059, 401-08-006A, -002A. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC Case Number: PZ21-00006 (ZC, DEV)
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, July 6, 2021 b. Tuesday, July 20, 2021 8. ADJOURNMENT
APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING MINUTES: a. May 18, 2021 (SV) b. May 18, 2021 (R) c. June 1, 2021 (SV) d. June 1, 2021 (R)
CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM THROUGH PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES: a. Discussion/possible direction regarding a request for Conceptual Zone Change and Conceptual Development Review for a proposed 188 room hotel and 22 unit multi-family residential development at 40 Art Barn Road (Archer Hotel). The property is zoned Planned Development (PD) and is ±19 acres (Development is proposed on ±6 acres of the property; the remaining ±13 acres will remain undisturbed) and is located southeast of N State Route 89A at Art Barn Road. APN: 401-09-001A, B, C; 401-13-059, 401-08-006A, -002A. Applicant: Withey Morris, PLC Case Number: PZ21-00006 (ZC, DEV)
6. FUTURE MEETING DATES AND AGENDA ITEMS a. Tuesday, July 6, 2021 b. Tuesday, July 20, 2021 8. ADJOURNMENT